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How Do I Know If It's Time to Upgrade My Glasses Prescription?

How Do I Know If It's Time to Upgrade My Glasses Prescription?

Your glasses are a necessary accessory; you put them on without giving them any thought. You think you can see normally, so you haven’t made an appointment for a checkup. However, changes in eyesight are usually very subtle; you may not have noticed them. 

Instead, you may be troubled by symptoms other than noticeable changes in your sight, such as headaches, which you may not have correlated to a need for a new prescription for your glasses. 

Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, conduct thorough eye exams that can detect vision changes. We let you know whether your prescription needs to be adjusted. 

Following are signs that you may need a new glasses prescription

Squinting at screens

Do you need to squint to read the print on your phone, tablet, or computer? Perhaps you’ve enlarged the font to make reading easier without realizing it could be a sign that you need new glasses. When you squint, you’re straining your eyes. Do your eyes a favor: schedule an eye exam. 


Have you started getting headaches after spending a long time at the computer? If you’re a desk jockey, you’re at risk for eye strain from staring at the screen for several hours. If you need a new glasses prescription, your eyes are working overtime; the strain can produce headaches. 

Eye aches and fatigue

Instead of headaches, maybe your eyes ache after a long day at the office. If your eyes feel tired and you’re getting eye aches frequently, a new prescription is likely in order. 

Blurry vision 

Do road signs look blurry until you’re close to them? Maybe reading subtitles on the TV is getting difficult. Blurred vision is a sign that you need a new glasses prescription. 

Around age 40, your eyesight may experience new changes. You may develop age-related farsightedness, identified as presbyopia. You may have trouble reading text on your phone or reading a book because the text looks blurry.

Poor night vision 

Is it hard to see the lines in the road at night, especially in the rain? Does the glare seem unrelenting? If you see a halo over or around lights at night, you may have developed an astigmatism. 

Night vision often deteriorates as you age. If it’s harder for you to drive at night, please call the office for an appointment for an eye exam. 

We conduct several tests during an eye exam to determine your eye health. If we find no issues, you can rest assured that you have no eye diseases. A change in prescription can help eliminate the symptoms described above. 

Call Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, or request an appointment for an eye exam through our online portal today. 

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