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Are you suddenly seeing what looks like a speck of dirt in your vision? You have an eye floater. You may have more than one. Floaters often come in different shapes and sizes. They can look like long, thin threads, squiggly lines, spider-type shapes, or simply dark spots. Floaters are...
You can develop eye strain, dry eyes, or headaches when working long hours on the computer. Problems with your eyes affect your daily life. Maybe your eyes are too tired after work to read for pleasure. Perhaps eye pain is affecting your work. Our board-certified ophthalmologists at Wolchok Eye Associates,...
Have you been squinting to see wording or numbers up close or on a computer screen lately? Has it been some time since you’ve seen an eye doctor to check your prescription for your eyeglasses? You may need a new prescription. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in...
Every year, your pediatrician checks your child’s eyes during their annual physical exam. If your child hasn’t had problems with vision, as they grow older and get ready to leave the nest, it’s prudent to make an appointment for a more thorough eye exam. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye...
Has your vision clouded over so that the world looks gray? Perhaps you’ve decided to have cataract surgery to restore normal vision so that you see bright colors and have a clear view of your world again. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA perform cataract surgery for many...
Is reaching for eye drops part of your daily routine — even multiple times per day? Perhaps you’ve started to question your use. That’s good; yes, you can overuse eye drops. At Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, our board-certified ophthalmologists can get to the root cause of your...
When you look in the mirror, your eyes frequently look bloodshot. It’s certainly not attractive. You don’t want to look sick all the time. It’s time to find out what’s causing the redness and treat it. When you come in for your appointment, our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates,...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
You’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma. You want to do everything you can to preserve your sight. You’re likely aware that glaucoma can rob you of your vision if left untreated. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, provide expert glaucoma treatment that helps you maintain your sight. We explain...
You’ve heard of macular degeneration, commonly called AMD, an abbreviation for age-related macular degeneration. AMD is an eye disease that causes loss of central vision, meaning you can’t see things directly in front of you. It can affect one or both eyes with different levels of vision loss. AMD typically...
Do the whites of your eyes frequently look like you’ve been crying because they’re red? Perhaps you think they’re red because you haven’t slept well or your allergies are acting up. If the problem hasn’t cleared up in a few days, you wonder what’s happening. Red eyes can make you...
Are you having problems with your eyes? Perhaps the issue is a scratchy or stinging sensation that won’t go away. It could be a feeling like dirt or debris is in your eye. You likely have a condition called dry eye. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, treat...
Your glasses are a necessary accessory; you put them on without giving them any thought. You think you can see normally, so you haven’t made an appointment for a checkup. However, changes in eyesight are usually very subtle; you may not have noticed them. Instead, you may be troubled by...
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the US, just behind cataracts at number one. In its early stages, glaucoma causes no symptoms. That’s why 50% of people with the disease aren’t aware they have it. Seeing the eye doctor regularly is your best preventive measure to avoid loss of vision from...
Having cataracts removed is almost a rite of passage as you grow older. By retirement age, most people will have cataracts. Whether you need surgery depends on how much they cloud your vision. Cataract surgery is one of the most common operations in the US. While delicate and exacting, it’s...
Do dry eyes take the enjoyment out of your day? Perhaps you love to read, sew, paint, or enjoy another hobby that involves close use of your eyes. Your dry eye syndrome may cause you to put down the book or the paint brushes because your eyes hurt or you...
You’ve experienced a change in your eyesight. It’s time for glasses or contacts. During your eye exam at Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, your Wolchok ophthalmologist performs several tests to ensure your eyes are healthy. Your doctor tests your vision and provides the correct prescription for glasses or...
If you’ve never had a floater in your eye, your first floater can be disconcerting. You may see a dark speck like a piece of dirt moving around in your field of vision, and it won’t go away. Anytime you have a change in your vision or a new problem,...
You’ve learned that you have glaucoma. While it’s unsettling, it may help you to know that 80 million people worldwide also have the condition. You can still have a good quality of life. Taking certain precautions and living a healthy lifestyle can help minimize your symptoms. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye...
If you don’t wear glasses or contacts and haven’t had problems with your vision, you may take it for granted. You may see no reason to make an appointment for an eye exam, but that reasoning is faulty. The following are four good reasons to schedule routine eye exams after...
Your eyesight is precious, but do you take it for granted? February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month, so we’re here to inform you about the causes and risk factors. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, are the experts to see regularly to ensure your eye health and...
You know you’re supposed to have an annual physical exam. But that appointment doesn’t include a comprehensive eye exam. When should you start having regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist? Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, check your eyes for numerous diseases and conditions, some of which show...
You wear glasses. Lately, they don’t seem to be doing their job. It may be hard to read fine print or see the road at night when you’re driving. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, perform thorough eye exams to rule out any eye diseases and provide...
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or are prediabetic, your eyes need special care and attention. If your diabetes is not under control, you can lose vision and even become blind. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA are the experts you want to see to ensure your eye...
Do you suspect you have dry eyes? Dry eyes aren’t just an inconvenience. If untreated, dry eyes can lead to eye infections and critical eye problems. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, are the experts you want to see if dry eyes are a problem for you. Our...
Do you see spots? You may be surprised the first time a floater is in your vision. Eye floaters are common and are harmless most of the time. However, they can be a signal of an eye problem. Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, are the experts to...
It’s always important to make and keep eye doctor visits, but it’s especially important as you age. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number one reason for loss of vision in people 50 or older. Significant vision loss usually changes your life in dramatic ways. Driving may no longer be a...
You may have never needed glasses before, but now you’re having trouble reading fine print on prescription drug bottles and books printed in a small font size. You need reading glasses. Eye experts say that most people in their 40s and 50s reach a point where reading glasses become a...
When you look in the mirror, the whites of your eyes look red. What’s going on? Red eyes can be a symptom of a minor problem or a major health issue. That’s why it’s important to have your eyes checked by an eye specialist if you’re having problems. Our board-certified...
Eye exams can be mysterious. You get drops in your eyes that dilate your pupils. Then the doctor looks in your eyes with a bright light. He asks you to move your eyes in different ways. What does it all mean? At Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, we take the mystery...
While vision issues can happen at any age, getting older does come with its own eye and vision risks. The good news is that you can preserve your vision and keep your eyes healthy throughout your senior years. At Wolchok Eye Associates in Jacksonville, Florida, ophthalmologist Stephen Wolchok, MD, provides...
It’s estimated that 11 million Americans over the age of 12 need vision correction. Sadly, many Americans don’t know how easy it is to miss signs of vision loss, and don’t get eye exams as often as they should. At Wolchok Eye Associates in Jacksonville, Florida, Dr. Stephen Wolchok and...
Next month is Workplace Eye Wellness Month, an ideal time to discuss one of the most common work-related eye problems: Digital Eye Strain. In this blog, Stephen Wolchok, MD of Wolchok Eye Associates, PA in Jacksonville, Florida, explains digital eye strain symptoms and preventive measures. Digital eye strain, also known...
Nearly 25 million Americans have cataracts, which is a clouding of the eye’s lens that causes a gradual loss of vision. The good news is they can be treated in a very common, safe surgical procedure that’s performed on an outpatient basis. Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, is a leading provider...
Whether you’ve been wearing eyeglasses for years, or you just received your first prescription, you might wonder if you’re ready for contact lenses. There’s no doubt that contact lenses provide many benefits: they’re convenient, they don’t fog up, and you can continue to wear your favorite pair of sunglasses 一...
At least 18% of people with rheumatoid arthritis develop eye disease. And when you consider the most common problem, dry eyes, the number may be as high as 44% of all rheumatoid arthritis patients. Dry eyes and other eye diseases that commonly develop as a result of rheumatoid arthritis can...
If you’re like the average adult, you spend at least six hours a day staring at one type of digital screen or another. If you’re a teen, it’s probably more. You may have heard that staring down at smartphones and tablets can cause issues such as “tech neck” and pain....
Do you enjoy reading, driving your car, and gazing into your loved one’s eyes? If so, you can thank your macula, the inner part of your retina that is responsible for clear central vision. Unfortunately, your macula is susceptible to progressive damage called macular degeneration. If this condition develops, your...
Most of us never think about the pressure inside our eyes (intraocular pressure, or IOP) because unless there’s a problem, we’re not even aware of it. But eye pressure is something that needs to be checked on a regular basis, especially as we age. That’s because an increase in intraocular...
It’s hard not to think the worst when you start noticing changes in your health. This is especially true when your vision is suddenly under attack from strange shapes and spots. But what’s causing them, and what do they say about your eye health? Our team of expert ophthalmologists at...
By the time you reach the age of 60, the eye diseases that cause vision problems have been developing for years without causing symptoms. But it’s never too late to intervene, and Wolchok Eye Associates, PA is here to help in Jacksonville, Florida. We offer compassionate and comprehensive eye care...
It’s not just kids and teenagers — many adults are a bit bummed when they hear that they have to wear glasses. From foggy lenses to a slipping nosepiece, glasses can seem like a real nuisance. While wearing glasses can take some getting used to, seeing yourself in the right...
A lot of different factors can make a difference in how your eyes feel. Things like staying up late, exposure to harmful indoor or outdoor light sources, and going for a swim have the potential to leave your eyes itchy and dry. However, dealing with these causes is usually easy,...
There are more choices available than ever for eyewear that fits your fashion sense and provides the visual acuity you desire. But with so many options to choose from, a final decision about glasses versus contacts can get confusing. Is one option better than the other, and how do you...
If the whites of your eyes, known as the scleras, occasionally take on a pink or reddish hue, you aren’t alone. It’s a common occurrence that affects nearly everyone to some degree at some point in their lifetime. Although red eyes are often merely reactions to harmless stimuli, the discoloration...
You’re sitting comfortably at home, relaxing in your recliner, staring at the ceiling, and you see a speck move across your field of vision. You look away from the ceiling but the speck remains, floating in your line of sight. You rub your eye, but the speck remains. This is...
The central part of your retina, called the macula, records images you see and transmits them to your brain through the optic nerve. This is the part of your eye that allows you to read, recognize family and friends, and drive your car, so if it’s damaged, you stand to...
Your schedule is packed, work is stressful, and the holidays are just around the corner — who has time for an eye exam? We get it; it’s tough to carve out time for the essential things on your to-do list, so why would you add to the chaos and go...
Even if you’ve had perfect 20/20 vision your entire life, things can still go wrong with your eyesight as the years go by. Floaters and flashes are a telltale sign that your eye is going through some anatomical changes. You might be able to rub your eyes and clear your...
Your eyes depend on tears to maintain their overall health and clear vision. Tears keep the surfaces of your eyes moist, remove debris, and protect your eyes from bacteria and other infections. When you have chronic dry eye, your eyes don’t produce enough tears to perform these tasks. You can...
Like a thief in the night, glaucoma robs you of your eyesight without warning. That’s what makes regular eye exams so critical. You can outsmart glaucoma by taking a proactive approach, especially if it runs in your family, you already have vision problems, or you’re over 40, since these factors...
When you develop a cataract, the lens of your eye (which is normally clear) becomes cloudy. Cataracts can develop slowly, but eventually, the cloudiness interferes with your ability to see clearly. According to the National Eye Institute, cataracts are very common in older adults. The risk of developing a cataract...